Residential Roof Replacement Step-by-Step

At GreenPoint Roofing, our team of licensed and insured roofing contractors works closely with clients to help them understand everything that goes into their residential roof replacement.

Along with choosing materials, there is a specific process to follow to ensure optimal results. It takes experience to understand that skipping steps will lead to a mediocre roof replacement job and less than perfect outcomes. That’s the difference between us and the other guys.

Here is a simple overview of the process for you residential roof replacement project so that you can understand what to expect along the way.

Remove Existing Materials

First things first, we must remove all of the layers that have been added to the roof over the years. Many times, instead of replacing the roof entirely, a homeowner will choose to add roofing layers. So, your roof may have quite a few of these layers that have added up over the years. We start by taking off the shingles, no matter what type of material. They may be slate or even sheeted roof deck. It all has to come off before we can add a new roof.

We remove all flashing all the way down to the roof deck sheathing. Additionally, the roof tarpaper has got to go. We have got to get to the bottom of it all in order to really see what is going on. Most shingles manufacturers will void the warranty if installed over any other materials. Hence it is essential to remove everything, all the way down to the wood roof.

Replace Damaged Wood

Once we can actually see the condition of the wooden roof, we will be able to deduce what needs replacement. Not until all of the layers are off, can we truly see what needs to be done with the wood roof. Sometimes, this can reveal rotten wood that must be replaced in order to avoid constant problems with a leaking roof. All of the volatile wood must be replaced so that it is strong and ready to support the weight of new roofing materials.

Install the Underlayment

Above the sheathing and below the shingles lives the underlayment. Either of the most popular materials, titanium or tarpaper, can be used. Although costlier, titanium offers a better reflection and generally comes with a warranty if the replacement shingles fail in any way.

Apply Ice and Water Shield

This component will significantly protect against the ravages of ice and snow during the colder months. This is applied to the gutter end lines and must be sealed with a gutter-to-fascia seal cap or gutter apron in order to work efficiently.

Add Needed Ventilation

Many houses do not have an adequate ventilation design. It is essential that air can smoothly flow and escape into the attic and then out the peak roof area. Our residential roof replacement experts will make sure that airflow design is included in the beginning rows in each shingle starter area.

Apply Under-Row Starter Shingles

On the first starter row of the roof area to be shingled goes the under-row starter shingles. This prevents the bond from exposure, as it is not water resistant and could prove to be a weak point. It is crucial that no tabs or bonds overlap here.

Install Drip Edge

Drip edges will save your home from unwanted moisture, rot, stained siding, soil erosion, and flooding. These extend over the edge of your new roof just enough to make sure all water lands into the gutter and not behind it instead. Drip edges must be installed and fitted correctly, as they will save your roof from irreparable damage down the road.

Add a Hip and Ridge Cap

A hip and ridge cap will create more of a finished look as well as help with avoiding water leakage into the house, a must-have for any residential replacement roof project!

Add Flashing and a Silicone Sealant

Using aluminum, copper, or another durable material, we install flashing. The best way to seal it in is with a silicone-based caulk. Silicone is the optimum choice as it dries slower than asphalt or other rubber-based products, which is better suited for this purpose.

Add Pipe Boots

Around pipe stacks or other roof protrusions on the entire roof, we install new pipe boots for best results during a residential roof replacement. Again, these help with water flow management and protecting protruding pipes and the roof below adequately.

Install Diverters

Keep water diverted and easily flowing off of the roof with the installation of diverters, especially behind chimneys and stop wall areas. You will be glad to have this vital step covered when our spring and summer storms roll through. They’re vital for the longevity of your roofing!

Lay All the Shingles

With the right, high-quality shingles, you won’t need to schedule shingle replacement for quite a while. While the cost of shingles varies, the quality differs even more. A dimensional shingle is the best option as it provides both durability and aesthetically pleasing results. The better the shingles used and the better the workmanship, the longer your new roof will last!

Don’t Forget Gutter Guards

As long as we’re up on your roof, we can also install gutter guards to keep debris out of gutters. Some cheap gutter guards will only last about a year and will soon start sagging and breaking. Aluminum diamond grates are an excellent option. They keep out debris efficiently, will not rust, allow water to flow continuously, and will stand the test of time, continuing to protect your home year-round. Be sure to ask us for more information.

Knowing the basics of residential roof replacement can help you make the best decision when it comes time to choose a roofing contractor and getting your project off the ground. There is no reason to settle for less than the best! At GreenPoint Roofing, we know the ins and outs of roof replacement and will follow industry best practice to the letter so that you get the most out of your new roof replacement in Colorado.

Call us today to inquire about residential roof replacement for your home!